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International and national advisory committee meetings

NEED convened its international and national advisory committee meetings on November 20th and 28th, respectively. The international advisory committee meeting brought together stakeholders from 14 EU member states, EU institutions, and various European and international organisations. The national advisory committee meeting gathered key stakeholders from the Belgian healthcare system.

During these sessions, the NEED team presented the project's progress and early findings, including the NEED assessment framework, insights from the case studies, the 4-step implementation model, and the applicability of the NEED approach to rare diseases. Discussions encompassed topics like the organisation, governance, and financing of a NEED research infrastructure at the EU level. For more information on these advisory committee meetings, explore the flash reports.


About NEED

NEED is financially supported by the Belgian Federal Science Policy (BELSPO) through the INFRA-FED call.

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Project coordinators

dr. Irina Cleemput



prof. dr. Robby De Pauw

Sciensano, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Service Health Information
